Just In Luxe is the first website for trading your handbags - easily, conveniently, and safely! Don’t worry about selling and buying, just trade for a hassle-free experience - 100% guaranteed authentic.

Our Story

Growing up dreaming of Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Hermes, it probably comes as no surprise that my first paycheck went towards acquiring my first luxury handbag, a Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis in the monogram print. It sparked a bag obsession, and within a span of a few years, I found myself with over 12 designer handbags, some bought preloved -- and after adopting a steadfast Ramen diet, much to my mother's chagrin. But, as careful as I was in my decisions, I found that some of the bags I had bought weren't quite my style, such as a navy Saint Laurent croc-embossed Kate Chain Wallet with Tassel. While I loved the croc-embossing and the color, I wasn't a fan of the tassel - and so it sat, in its box, untouched. I had it listed for sale on eBay and Poshmark, but was hit with low offer after low offer. For a new-in-box bag, I didn't want to lose that much money. Even when I went to online consignment stores, they told me I would eventually receive under 50% of the bag's retail price after their fees: $900, even though I paid $1860 after taxes. And what made it worse is they would list it for 1.5x that on their website.

I was devastated. While I knew some brands held their value more than others, I didn't think I would have such a hard time selling my bags. It also didn't help that the market was saturated with these designer bags and some were desperate enough to sell their bags for low prices. But me? I couldn't afford that kind of loss. I just wanted to sell my bag so I could buy another I liked better from a different brand. And since my money was already invested in the bag, I felt guilty buying another bag without selling it first. And then it hit me: instead of just waiting for it to sell, or selling it for a lowball offer as others were doing, why didn't I just trade it? I joined buy/sell designer Facebook groups hoping to find someone I could trade with, but unfortunately trading was against group rules and I didn't want to risk being banned. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, because in my mind, I had already envisioned the type of marketplace I was after: an eBay-like website with thousands of users who could list their designer bags for trading, value them at a fair market price, and find other users to trade with. When I casually asked others in the Facebook groups about what they thought, they were excited and instantly wanted to know where they could sign up. I took down their names and promised them I would get back to them.

However, since I didn't have a technical background (I majored in philosophy and biology), I began to have doubts about my vision coming to life. However, with each passing day, I became increasingly convinced that this was the way forward. After all, with the fashion world's new focus on recycling and sustainability, buying/selling and renting was becoming more accepted - so why couldn't we trade instead? Especially given that it was so much more efficient than the long selling and buying process? It didn't even have to be limited to luxury handbags - we could trade clothing, shoes, and accessories too! I knew it would catch on, and benefit thousands of other fashion-lovers, if only I could somehow get the technology made. Yearning to make it a reality, I began talking with website development firms, explaining my vision. They told me it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to make, and I became discouraged. However, as luck would have it, just when I had all but abandoned the idea, one of the developers called and told me he loved my idea and passion for the cause and invested in the company as a technical co-founder - and so, in December 2019, Just In Luxe was created.

From its inception, we were adamant that our customers would come first, and we would be a company dedicated to sustainability and transparency.
We're so grateful that we're able to do what we're passionate about and we hope you love Just In Luxe as much as we do.
Thank you for being a part of our story, and helping us write our very first chapters.

Raashika Goyal
Founder and CEO
Just In Luxe